Termite Control

Faced with a termite invasion of your New York home or office? At The Bug Stops Here, an exterminator professional will be happy to perform exceptional pest control methods on your residential or commercial property to get rid of your termite infestation.
When an exterminator arrives at your New York home, the first step in our pest control process is to educate you about the termite. The eastern subterranean termite, frequently found in New York, has a white, small body that is less than ¼ inches in length. The insect, typically, avoids light and prefers moist wood. If an exterminator sees small fecal pellets of digested wood, he knows that it is a clear sign of a termite invasion.
What areas do termites normally infest? Termites frequently infest in the basement or cellar areas of your home or office. It is common to find termites in the structural timbers immediately above your basement wall or in wood posts, posts, steps, door frames, and trim embedded in an earth or concrete floor. During the warm months, termites favor furnaces, chimneys, hot water heaters, and hot water pipes.

Large termite swarms occur in the spring when black, winged reproductive males and females leave the nest to mate and disperse. The size of the underground colony can reach millions of workers and several buildings can be attacked by a single large colony.
Workers are pale white, small, soft bodied insects less than ¼ inches in length. The soldiers are fewer in number, larger and with a large head and mandibles. Soldier termites are white with a dark yellow head. The male and female reproductives are black with four pairs of equal size clear wings. The wings drop off immediately after mating and they may pile up near windows and other sources of light.
Termite Control Service Area:
- Queens
- Hamptons
- Bohemia
- Brooklyn
- Nassau
- Suffolk
Where are some of the places you should look if you believe you have termites?
On Long Island most termite infestations occur in the basement or cellar areas and in the structural timbers immediately above the cellar walls, such as a mudsill, the studs, joists, subflooring, and the floors. Wood such as posts, steps, door frames, and trim embedded in an earth or concrete floor is especially susceptible to termite infestation. Wood siding, window frames, steps, and similar materials covered by earth or resting on the ground may also be attacked by termites. Where the termite infestation is extensive, the flooring and framework in the walls can be damaged by termites: this is often the case where houses are built on concrete slabs. Termites especially favor areas around furnaces, chimneys, hot water heaters, and hot water pipes that provide warmth during cold months.
If you believe your house is infested with termites, it is important to call The Bug Stops Here as soon as possible. There may be extensive damage to the structural timbers and woodwork of your home or office. Call today to schedule a time where a qualified exterminator can inspect your home for termite damage.